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How to Create Email Address Instantly launched facebook messages feature few months ago. Under facebook messages, users are given an email address and all messages or files sent to that facebook personalized email address will be delivered to Inbox of facebook account holder. Facebook initially opened this service for everyone but due to 600+ million accounts, it placed an additional load on facebook servers so facebook made in invitation based feature. Anyways, here is how you can create your own email.

How to Create email address ?

  • Login in Your account.
  • Click on Messages from Facebook Home.
  • You will see an option "Claim Your Facebook email" click on this link.

  • Now, you will see a BOX with some options. If you are using "Facebook Username" for your profile feature (i.e., Facebook will automatically assign email address as If you are not using "Facebook Username" feature, then You will be allowed to select a desired username for your profile and in this box.
  • Simply, Select your username from given options or enter your desired name and check availability.

  • Click on "Activate Email". Thats it !
  • Now you may say your friends to email you on your new email address. All messages will be delivered to your facebook account.

    Note: If you do not see "Claim Your Facebook email" link in your Facebook Messages section, Go to and click on "Send Invitation", they will send you an invitation soon. However, Invitation is not required as Facebook has started showing "Claim Your Facebook email" links in Facebook account without asking for invitation but if you do not see this link in your account, you must ask for an invitation.

    1 comment:

    1. With facebook comments box. Your bloggers visitors ready to comments on your blog posts and those post comments automatically share on their facebook comments wall.




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